Who was Rocky Marciano?

Rocky Marciano can be summarized in a single word, “Undefeated”.

Rocky Marciano memorial in Italy
Rocky Marciano memorial in Italy

Rocky Marciano was an American professional boxer and a cultural icon of the 1950s. Born on September 1, 1923, in Brockton, Massachusetts. Marciano is widely recognized for being the only heavyweight champion in boxing history to retire undefeated throughout his career. His record was an impressive 49 wins with 43 knockouts and no losses or draws.

Marciano began his professional boxing career in 1947 after serving in the military during World War II. He became known for his powerful punching power, relentless fighting style, and incredible stamina. He won the world heavyweight title in 1952 by knocking out Jersey Joe Walcott in a dramatic and memorable fight. Marciano successfully defended his title six times before retiring in 1956.

His legacy is marked not only by his perfect record but also by his representation of the American Dream, rising from humble beginnings to achieve unprecedented success in his sport. Rocky Marciano remains a legendary figure in the annals of boxing history.


Jason Tweed

Founder of Zulink, Jason Tweed suffers from wandering mind syndrome and the desire to identify patterns in the chaos that is our world. He hopes you'll find the time to "ramble on" with him on occasion.