Who was Roy Cohn?

One of the most controversial figures in US history was the well-connected and powerful attorney, Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn
Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn was a controversial American lawyer best known for his role as Senator Joseph McCarthy‘s chief counsel during the anti-Communist Senate hearings in the 1950s, specifically the Army-McCarthy hearings. Born on February 20, 1927, and passing away on August 2, 1986, Cohn became a symbol of the era’s aggressive tactics and fear-mongering.

Here are key points about Roy Cohn:

  1. Early Career: Cohn gained prominence at a young age. By his mid-20s, he was already serving as an assistant U.S. Attorney and played a significant part in the prosecution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of espionage in 1951.
  2. McCarthy Hearings: Cohn’s national fame skyrocketed when he became the chief counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the investigations into Communist infiltration in the U.S. government. His aggressive tactics and ruthless cross-examination style were central to the hearings.
  3. Post-McCarthy Era: After the decline of McCarthyism, Cohn returned to New York and established a private law practice. He became a powerful figure, known for his connections with politicians, celebrities, and mob figures.
  4. Legal and Political Maneuvering: Throughout his career, Cohn was known for bending the rules and using his political connections to influence various legal outcomes. He represented and advised a wide range of clients, including Donald Trump in his early business career.
  5. Controversy and Conviction: Cohn’s career was marked by numerous legal battles and ethical controversies. He was disbarred by the State of New York in 1986, shortly before his death, due to unethical conduct.
  6. Personal Life and Death: Cohn was a deeply private individual regarding his personal life. He never publicly acknowledged his homosexuality and died of AIDS-related complications in 1986.

Cohn’s life and career have been the subject of various books and documentaries, underscoring his complex legacy in American legal and political history.

Jason Tweed

Founder of Zulink, Jason Tweed suffers from wandering mind syndrome and the desire to identify patterns in the chaos that is our world. He hopes you'll find the time to "ramble on" with him on occasion.